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来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2022-09-24

The use of any mechanical equipment requires regular maintenance, which also includes our fire pump. How to carry out its maintenance? Now, let's answer for you.
We should check the pump room, heat dissipation and ventilation equipment, including shutters. We need to ensure that there is good heat dissipation conditions in the pump room; We also need to check the opening state of each valve to ensure that each valve is in normal working condition. We also need to ensure that the water inlet and outlet pipes can work normally, and that the power part and water pump are firmly connected. In addition, we need to ensure that the controller and all parts are working properly to ensure that the diesel engine system can work normally.
We also need to check the fire pump every week, including whether its standby power supply can be switched normally, to see whether it can ensure that the pump can be put into normal operation within 30 seconds, and we also need to check whether the standby pump can be automatically switched into operation.
We also need to check whether the gate valve, check valve and water hammer elimination device on the water pipe are normal. In fact, the inspection of these equipment is very necessary, which is also a guarantee to ensure that our fire pump can work smoothly in the later period.
Protection and maintenance methods
(1) The fire pump shall be operated less once a week. The electric pump shall be operated for at least 10min, and the diesel pump shall be started for at least 30min. Check whether the water outlet pressure of the pump meets the requirements.
(2) Check whether the pump unit is intact before the fire pump runs every week. requirement:
① The suction, discharge and bypass pipes of the pump can be fully opened;
② The pump unit has no leakage;
③ The inlet and outlet pipe pressure gauges are normal;
④ The fire pool is full of fire water.
(3) Before the fire water pump runs every week, check whether the electrical control part is intact.
① The positive indicator of the power switch is normal;
② The switching and conversion indicators are normal;
③ Standby power starting and blocking switch closing;
④ The alarm feedback signal indicator is not on, and the normal indicator is open.
(4) Before the operation of the fire water pump every week, check whether the main and standby power switches normally and whether the standby power can ensure the normal operation of the water pump within 30s; Check whether the standby water pump can be switched into operation automatically.
(5) Check whether the gate valve, check valve and water hammer elimination equipment on the outlet pipe are normal.
(6) Remove the sundries at the inlet of the suction pipe to prevent blocking.
(7) Open the end water testing equipment or fire hydrant to drain water and check whether the water pump can be started normally.
The above is about the maintenance and inspection of the fire pump. I hope that the article can give you some help and reference value. If you need to order a fire pump, you can directly contact our company http://www.cx-fire.com Contact.

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