当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心水流指示器从哪些方面了解起来?


来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2023-03-25

Water flow indicator is a device used to monitor and indicate water flow, which is commonly used in automatic fire alarm systems. The following is some content about the water flow indicator, which will be explained by the editor of Sichuan Xiaoxiao:
Working principle: The water flow indicator monitors the water flow in the water pipe to determine whether there is water flowing through the pipe. When water flows through the water flow indicator, the water flow indicator will automatically trigger an alarm signal to notify the firefighters to handle it.
Structural composition: The water flow indicator usually consists of a water flow indicator body, a water flow indicator switch, an alarm, and other parts. The water flow indicator body is made of metal material and can withstand the impact force of high-pressure water flow; The water flow indicator switch triggers the switch action by sensing the strength of the water flow, thereby triggering an alarm signal.
Scope of application: Water flow indicators are commonly used in automatic fire alarm systems in buildings, factories, warehouses, and other places. They are used to monitor and indicate water flow conditions, determine whether the water pipes are operating properly, and thus protect the safety of buildings and personnel.
Installation and maintenance: The installation of the water flow indicator should comply with relevant national standards and requirements. During installation, attention should be paid to the position, height, and fixing method of the water flow indicator. The water flow indicator should be regularly maintained and inspected to maintain its good working condition and avoid damage or malfunction due to prolonged use.
Alarm signal: When the water flow indicator is triggered, it will automatically trigger an alarm signal to notify the firefighters to handle it. Alarm signals can be transmitted and received through audible and visual alarms, telephones, text messages, and other means to handle fire accidents in a timely manner.
In summary, the water flow indicator is an important automatic fire alarm device that can detect and indicate the operation of water pipes and protect the safety of buildings and personnel. When using a water flow indicator, attention should be paid to installation and maintenance to ensure its normal operation and reliability. For more information, please visit our website http://www.cx-fire.com Consult!

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